I hereby present my little abode:

Ok, so I've just transferred some photos from my camera to my laptop, including a few that I took of my room. So I thought I'd post those on my blog! I haven't decorated it yet with ornaments and stuff, but I suppose I will get a poster or two (including a Harry Potter one of course!) and a few postcards for the walls. The ones already on the walls are not mine, but I haven't taken them off cause I hate walls that are empty, they feel so cold! I also need more colour in my room! The photos are in a anti-clockwise 360 degrees rotating order:

I just wish I had a little desk and chair to use when I use my laptop, cause my back starts hurting when I sit on my bed bent over the laptop for an extended period of time. Otherwise, I quite like my room, it's pretty cosy. Today, I finally met my third roommate, we've somehow managed to not meet each other for almost a week! All my flatmates seem pretty cool, so all in all, I'm glad my desperate room search paid off! Ok, I really need to go to sleep to conserve energy for a new week of energy-sucking shifts. Nighty night!


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