Philosophical Musing #2 - Depth

I have known a friend for nearly a year now, and we were together for half of the year (although now we're just trying to be friends). I've been living in his flat this past month since I arrived in London. I dare say we know each other fairly well, especially after living together.

Sometimes when I'm with him, I feel close to him, like hearing his heart beat, I can almost hear what his heart is feeling. Sometimes there's this wall between us, and I feel like I can't get through to him no matter what approach I take; maybe it's communication failure. Yet other times, I discover things about him that I didn't know before. He surprises me with an opinion, or a song he likes, or something he does, good surprises as well as bad surprises, anything really.

Yesterday, laying in his arms, I was wondering how many more surprises, how many more things will I discover about him? He has so much depth, I realised there's a freaking ocean of him that I haven't even explored one tenth of, and I've already known him for nearly a year.

My conclusion is: each human being is unique and has so much depth. My philosophical musing is: can you ever completely know someone?


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