Random Christmas Thoughts

Random thought #1: Every Christmas I have spent it with my family - my mum, dad and sister. This year is the first Christmas our family will not be united. My dad is in China for god knows what reason, and I will be in London on Christmas Eve, and flying over half of the European continent during Christmas Day to get back to Sweden. I'm really hoping that my flight will not be delayed or, god forbid, cancelled, because I refuse to spend Christmas alone here! Today, all my friends have flown off to their countries, and my boyfriend is leaving tomorrow. Even my flatmates are all gone, so I'm all alone in the flat, and I'm blasting loud music so that I don't feel the quietness and freak out when the pipes make ghost-like noises!

Random thought #2: I've been asked multiple times by curious people whether I celebrate Christmas, because I come from a Chinese family but we live in Sweden. I think Christmas is a great tradition. It gives people something to look forward to during the dark and freezing December month. It lights up December and infects it with such festive spirit. So hell yeah we celebrate Christmas, and I think even if it is not in your culture to celebrate it, there's no reason not to. Besides the great family gathering part, you must be nuts to pass a chance of getting presents and eating yummy cakes and sweets and stuff!

Random thought #3: I'm really looking forward to flying back home to Sweden. I've been counting down the days, and I have four nights left in this empty flat. I've downloaded tons of happy films to keep my mind occupied so it doesn't start wondering off to think about how lonely I am! 500 Days of Summer and Love Actually are good happy films for anyone stuck in the same situation as I am. The effects of the films are probably going to wear off by Christmas Eve when it's completely dead out on the streets though, because people are all in their homes with their families, which is probably going to depress me.
Random thought #4: I've promised myself to get at least one piece of (cheap) Christmas decoration for my room to increase my Christmas spirit feeling (as I currently have none), and today I found the perfect cheap thing: a chocolate santa lollipop. I intend to consume it when I'm depressed on Christmas Eve. That's why it's so perfect!

(Heh, I didn't realise there was a skull reflected in the mirror. That was not intentional, I love santa!)

On a completely different note: today I received an e-mail from the University of St Andrews with a medicine interview offer! I was utterly delighted and I'm already a little bit excited and nervous about it even though it's going to take place in February. Great surprise!


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