A few photos from over here

I haven't had time to take any decent photos yet, because when I go out running errands or go job hunting or interviewing, bringing a camera with me is hardly the top priority. Here are a few photos though (although most are rather uninteresting). I've so far encounter...

...lots of swans and seagulls

...my friend attempting to converse with a poor swan
Interesting conversation

...lots of fallen telephone boxes
Fallen telephone boxes

...lots and lots of rain!

...and very, very little nature (this was taken at a location 30 mins away by train from central London, i.e. very far away from anywhere approachable, or i.e. I miss the nature in Sweden!)

Ok, I do promise to upload MUCH more exciting photos of London in the near future.

Postat av: Madde

Hej Yiteng!

Skickade sms till dig men fick inget svar. Hur gick lägenhetsvisningen? Var det något bra ställe?

Cool bild den där med telefonbåsen btw!


2009-11-17 @ 22:12:03
URL: http://madelenejlundgren.blogg.se/

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