
As you may have noticed, my blog has changed! I've moved the entire blog over to this place, because my friend said you can't post comments on the previous server I used. (So J, you can post as many comments as you want now ;]).

I haven't completely grasped how to use this place yet, which is why everything is black and white and utterly boring. I REALLY see that my blog is in desperate need of pictures and bright colours! As soon as I have some time, I will try to attend to all those details that need attention.

I suppose I can start by putting a little picture here to alleviate some of the boringness! Below is a picture I found on a university student forum:

Postat av: Julio ^^

hahaha.. har du sett den där lappen på riktigt? :p tror du att det är en riktig eller ere nån skämtgrej? xD hahaha fyfan va skarrigt :P

2009-11-06 @ 01:25:14

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