Philosophical musing #1

Lately, because I have been exposed to so many new people in such a short period of time, it's made me ponder about something. When you are exposed to a new group of people, there are some that you get along with at once and have lots to talk about, and some that you don't get along with very well at all and can think of nothing to say to them whatsoever. I suppose it is the people who you feel you can be yourself with most and who make you feel the most comfortable that you tend to befriend in a new environment.

I've been thinking though, are some people just people you can't get along with? You are just not mean to be friends, you just simply don't click? Or could more time spent together with that person possibly reverse the can't-get-along-ness?

When making friends, from past experiences, we all know that our first impressions are usually the wrong impression of a person. Only an extended amount of time spent together can reveal a person's character and personality. We might not like that person's character and personality that are so weird and foreign to us at first because we've never encountered it before. However, as we get to know that person, we get more and more comfortable around them, and eventually might even start liking that odd personality about them. Eventually our relationship might possibly slide from mere acquantainces to friends.

So if you gave each new person that you meet enough time to get to know them, their unique character and personality, (provided that you ended up generally liking the person's character and personality, which you normally do) shouldn't that mean, in theory, that you should be able to get along and become friends with every person you meet if you just gave each other enough time to get to know each other? Or?

Grr, it's so hard to wordify (?) what I am thinking. The fact that my brain is messed up doesn't make it easier either, so if you didn't understand anything of the above, then just move on and pretend you never read it..!


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