Where Am I?

I don't mean my physical location, because frankly, I really don't want to be reminded of the cold and rainy surroundings in my location situated faaar too north on earth for my liking. I mean where am I in life?

I'm somewhere between the transition of a spoiled teenager and a dependent young (emphasis on young!) adult. I'm trying to break free of the secure home my family has provided me with and become independent. I want to test my limits and overcome obstacles and challenges of the real world beyond that haven. I want to be reckless, irrational, impulsive, insane and fearless. I want to reach the moon and the stars, fall back down on earth and bruise my ass, and apply ice, dust myself off and keep on going. I want to do all this before it's too late, before I start med-school, before I get drowned in mountains of work and responsibility. I want to go on a rollar coaster ride with 360 degree loops and 90 degree turns during the coming year. I'm going to start my ride in London and hopefully end up in the most remote village among tribal people carrying spears and hunting frogs in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on an island you can't locate on a map.

Anyone care to join me? :)


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