Philosophical Musing #7 - Happiness

Yeah, yet another one regarding happiness. Because I think I have figured out the ultimate answer in life. Ok, that was a bold statement. Or at least I have figured out the answer that applies to myself. During the past few months, I have acquired knowledge of what happiness is to me. Happiness is not as complicated as people generally make it out to be.

There is a wise quote that leads Happiness is not a destination, it is a method of life. I cannot agree more with this statement. If we want to acquire permanent happiness (or as permanent and non-intermittant as possible, as I doubt anyone can ever feel permanently happy - then that person would not know what happy truly feels like, would he/she?), then we cannot perceive happiness as merely a destination. This is because, when we set a certain goal as a destination, the path towards it is always interrupted by obstacles and unexpected surprises. For instance, one of my goals set two years ago was to get into med-school, but this path has proved to be everything but hinder-free. The same thing applies to setting happiness as a destination.

So, if we strive to make happiness a method of living, instead of seeing obstacles as interruptions to happiness, they then simply become phases of life which we try to live happily through. This is a big difference - as the difference shapes the foundation of our thoughts regarding happiness. I think the former destination way tends to make us more prone to feeling bitter about life and its events. The latter way, in contrast, provides us with an incentive to try to be happy.

Also, the ultimate purpose and goal of life should not be happiness, it should be to try to live happily every single day. That is the biggest challenge.

P.S. To you guys that are trapped due to the volcano ash thingy, try to not worry too much! Everything will be alright and sorted in the end! BF is meant to fly back next Monday, so I hope just as much as you guys that the ash gets its fat ass out of the way. NOW.


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