Next destination: Canada!

I know I have been completely worthless at writing posts and updating ever since the start of the summer holidays, and I also admit that the contents of my posts are getting less interesting. Fear not, for I shall attempt to resume the frequency and quality as soon as I get back from Canada and start University. I have quite a lot of things to deal with at the moment and to think about as well, not just regarding university, but also other personal issues that are unfortunately mind-consuming.

However, tomorrow I'm flying off to Canada! My sister went to Quebec, Canada for her work-training a few months ago, and she's staying there until the end of October. I'm flying to there tomorrow morning to visit her, see how her temporary home is, and to tour different places. I'm staying there for 10 days, and apparently we have a very stressy schedule. My sister sent me this preliminary schedule:

27th arrival: Quebec
28th: Head for Montreal
29th: Whole day in Montreal
30th: Morning leave for Ottawa
31st: After lunch leave for Quebec city
1st: Quebec city
2nd: Charlevoix (3 hours North of Quebec city), stay there overnight
3rd: Tadoussac and whale watching!
4th: Fly to Toronto and Toronto city tour
5th: Niagara falls
6th: More Toronto and fly back to Quebec
7th: Departure

Can you believe that I'm going to go whale-watching?? I'm a bit nervous about how it's going to be. Apparently, we're going to be on a boat watching whales, but erm, what if a whale swims underneath us and then decides to jump in the air, or spray water through its head hole?? Our boat is gonna be freaking screwed...! I will need to investigate further regarding the safety before boarding the boat.

I don't feel excited about the trip...yet. I should though! I know it will be really fun, especially with my sister (I will get utterly sick of her after 10 days of constant interaction though, hihi!). I think it's cause I'm thinking about other things, and just haven't really realised I'll be on a plane to Canada in less than 12 hours.

Anyway, I'm going off to bed soon. Byebye!

P.S. Maybe I should bring a French dictionary, eh?
P.P.S. What is typically Canadian (besides maple syrup, and anything that has maple syrup in it, cause it ain't yummy)?


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