Story of a Boy and a Girl #5

Since that night, I started coming down to London almost every weekend in order to spend time with B. When Friday approached, I’d pack some clothes, run to the coach station (I was always running late for my coach for some reason), and wriggle around in my seat annoying the person next to me because I couldn’t wait to get to London! This is a really interesting fact that I observed during that period: every Friday I went down to London, it would be absolutely brilliantly sunny. Every Sunday when I returned from London, it would start raining. It's true! London is totally my destiny location!

I can’t remember everything we did during those weekends, but usually we’d go to museums, watch a movie, hang out in a park, or go for a walk. He’s not really the type of person who’d normally do those kind of things, but he’d still do something he didn’t want to if it made me happy. It must have been a pain to hang out with me at times. I remember one Saturday, it was so freaking sunny, and I felt like I needed to walk in that boiling sun. I’m a walking fanatic (there must be a walking fanatic gene, because my dad is too), I can walk for miles and miles. I suggested we walk from B’s university halls (in South Kensington) to Camden Town. B agreed very, very reluctantly to my proposal, and I bounced outside excitedly to begin our journey. It took us a few hours to get to Camden, then we walked around in Camden Market another few hours, by which time B was complaining that he was tired and was going to drop into bed the moment we got back home. Poor thing. I didn’t even dare suggest that we walk back home.

During these weekends, I gradually started getting to know him better. The more time I spent with him, the more I realised how different we are. Our backgrounds, lives, outlooks on life, future plans, personalities, humour, everything differed. I constantly asked myself whether I could really see us together. Because we were never friends prior to dating, and because we didn’t have much in common (especially not interest-wise, as he absolutely despises Harry Potter, grr!), it was hard to find topics to talk about at first. I felt that whenever we did talk about something, we’d only manage to squeeze out a few sentences before we’d run out of things to say, we never managed to hold a discussion. I also generally disliked having lunch or dinner alone with him, because that’s when we have to sit face to face and have all the time in the world to talk. Sometimes it got really quiet that the only sound audible was the clinging of our cutlery on plates, I hated those awkward moments. Despite my doubts about us, I kept on coming down to London every weekend, as there was nothing stopping me to come. I was also afraid to just give up on us, what if we could potentially become something meaningful and special?

Gradually, the Easter holidays approached, and B had to fly back to Hong Kong due to some very bad family issues, and he was gone for three weeks.

To be continued…!


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