Back to London

Today I'm going back to London. Feeling quite sad and guilty about leaving my parents so soon again. The house must become pretty empty for them without neither kids in there fighting about TV channels and stuff as my sister went back to her own place in another town a few days ago. I hope they won't be too sad and will carry on happily. It must be the hardest thing ever to have your kids grow up and leave you to pursue their own lives and dreams, urgh. See, another good reason to never get kids. On the bright side, I get to go back to my love - London (and the Bf of course!), so I'm also rather excited!

The last few days here have been stressful but nice to be with my parents. Stressful because I had to complete my application to the Danish med-schools, and I had to write a motivational statement on why I want to do medicine, and the stressful and hard part was that it had to be done in Swedish! I kind of took my UK uni personal statements and edited them a bit to suit the guidelines of the Danish unis. But translating the English one to Swedish was a NIGHTMARE. I translated stuff literally, like "an impelling passion" turned into "en drivande vurm" - which sounds totally ridiculous and wrong. So I had to alter the orders of words and re-phrase stuff. In the end, the translated version felt really bland, like it had lost all the uniqueness it possessed when it was in English. That's one thing I really hate about Swedish. Swedish texts are all bland and not unique (sorry about the generalization).

Oh, my sister hadn't given me a birthday present yet when we celebrated our birthdays last week. So she said she'd give me money, and I said I didn't want money, I want things. Money is so unpersonal, it's like something an uncle would give his niece cause he doesn't know what the niece likes. My sister was too lazy to go into the city to get something, so she converted a shoe box into my university fund box where she put in money. Now the shoe box is in the living room, where my parents can put in loose coins from their shopping and stuff. Hihihi, I won't have to be a suuuuper poor student, hopefully!

Ok, need to get the last things packed. Next time I write here, I'll be in London! Laters!

Postat av: Anonym

haha vilken rolig presentide från din syster! ^^

alltså jag hade verkligen velat träffa dig en liten stund idag men hann inte :( intervjuskiten slutade fuuu-rreaking halv tolv! >< eller det var inte bara en intervju utan det var även en utbildningsgrej efter intervjun oxå :S

men hoppas resan gick bra och att allt är fint med dig :)

2010-03-11 @ 21:28:34
Postat av: Anonym

Hey! So I assume you got the job then, considering you also attended the training? :) If you did, congratulations!! I hope you get good, smart students, and not trouble, dumb ones!!

Meet up for sure next time, yeah?:)

2010-03-12 @ 11:43:27
Postat av: Anonym

jo det fick jag, men alla som söker får jobbet typ :P men tack ändå ^^ nej jag hoppas att jag får dumma elever som vill ha G ist för IG och inte smarta som har MVG o vill ha MVG+++ :O

Ja, det tycker jag! :)

2010-03-13 @ 11:26:34

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