Our future
The board is quite a nice boredom release, and I guess we were both quite bored by our tedious studies yesterday that we drew our future:
That's the two of us in 10 years. We have significantly put on weight because we have opened a cafe (the little house in the background). Since we bake everything we sell ourselves, and everything we sell is unresistably yummy, that's why I predict we will become comparably greater in mass in 10 years. The text in my speaking bubble leads "I never met a calorie I didn't like!".
The animals around us are our pets. I don't want kids, so as a compromise, we agreed on getting pets to replace kids (or well, that's my smart idea, although BF still needs some more convincing that pets are nicer campanions to have than screaming infants). We are planning to get three dogs. We want to have a tiny white fluffy dog named Rocky, a big white wolf-look-alike dog name Jelly-Beans, and a golden retriever named Diarrhea. We also want to purchase a black cat and name it The Fuck!, and a hamster named Cookie Dough. Lastly, we will adopt a baby chimpanzee, the closet life form to a human infant, and name it Buttcheeks, and an owl that currently has no name (anyone have any good ideas?).
On a more serious note, I used to be terrified to imagine a future together. But gradually, I'm starting to get used to that thought, and actually quite like it, and definitely enjoy drawing it on a white board and naming our pets. I even found myself googling cottages and houses this morning. Am I becoming old?!
hahaha omg !!! this is hilarious!!! :D i love your future, although, me neither, im not convinced with replacing the kids with a zoo... :P
hehe other than that it is great :D
hahah congratulations on getting into LIVERPOOL AGAIN!
Hehehe. I bet zoo>a bunch of kids!
Thanks again for your congratulations :D
hehe word, zoo>barn
åh ni måste baka massa morotskaka och kladdkaka i ert lilla café! och syltkakor ^^ och göra hemgjord choklad! :D kanske ugglan borde heta det, typ varm choklad? :P iofs kanske d blir för likt golden retrieverns namn haha xD
Men Hedwig kanske? :)
omg the chimp's name is CLASSIC :D :D I feel slightly bad for the golden retriever though :) I'll think of cool owl-ish names.
Good luck with all the noise though, I'm sure the kids will make far less!!