
Film #1
Friday night, I saw the film Kick-Ass in the cinema. The film was surprisingly good considering it has such an unattractive and stupid name and trailer. It's about a boy who dreams of becoming a superhero, and actually tries, but then he gets into a mess with bad guys and other superheroes out there. All the loose strings of superheroes and events were quite nicely tied together in the end. It was also funny! Watch it!

Film #2
When I was in the last year of high school, I did this really random thing. I randomly selected a locker, without any clue who it belonged to, and wrote a letter titled "to a complete stranger". The stranger never responded, but as I was quite desperate to get an answer I tried several different lockers. Finally, on my like third attempt, I received an answer, and we started writing to each other! It was quite cool, and it definitely gave me something that actually made me look forward to school. It also meant I never concentrated during lectures, because I was busy producing a letter (my physics knowledge suffered complete non-comprehension, as the teacher provided the perfect opportunity to for me to write letters, going on and on and on without paying attention to what the students occupied themselves with). Eventually, we met up, and although he was slightly different to how I had imagined him, it was nontheless a special experience.

Yesterday, I watched a film called Mary and Max which is an Australian animated film about two penpals that randomly started to write to each other. It was hiliarious, their letters are so freaking nice, like: "I have also invented some new words. "Confuzzled", which is being confused and puzzled at the same time, "snirt", which is a cross between snow and dirt, and "smushables", which are squashed groceries you find at the bottom of the bag. I have sent a letter to the Oxford Dictionary people asking them to include my words but I have not heard back".

Anyway, the film has triggered my random-penpal-writing-urge, and I'm thinking of starting again. But I have no idea who to write to. Shall I just randomly select a person from London residential phonebook? Or does any random person who reads my blog happen want to write to me??

Film #3
Ok, another film I saw quite recently is called Everybody's Fine. It hasn't received much attention, just like Mary and Max, but it is woooorth watching. It's about a widower who lost his wife and has a few four grown-up children. He never succeeded in communicating with them entirely while his wife was alive, because his wife did all the parent communication thingy. So now, after retiring and losing his wife, he tries to take on that task of communicating and making sure his children are doing alright. Anyway, his journey is really interesting, and the film touches on issues like parenting and parent-pressure and of course communication. Ok, I just realised I suck at writing synopses. Despite my unattractive synopses of these films, do give them a chance, you will thank me and won't regret it!


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